Housing projects Housing Projects In Oxfordshire, there is a critical lack of suitable move-on housing for people affected by homelessness and rough sleeping. Aspire are working with housing associations and other partners to provide innovative responses to Oxfordshire's housing and homelessness crisis: Supported housing for ex-offenders Housing First project NRPF supported housing Our House project Supported housing for people facing homelessness in Oxford City Women's project Housing Opportunities Made Easy (HOME) Supported housing for people facing homelessness in Witney Aspire are rapidly expanding our homeless relief initiatives, working with others to use bold and innovative approaches to achieve lasting change. If you would like to speak to us about any of our housing and homelessness projects, or discuss how we could work with your organisation to expand our impact tackling the homeless crisis in Oxfordshire, please contact Jessica Collins, Interim Head of Housing and Homelessness Prevention Services. Support us Help us reach local people affected by homelessness and donate today. Donate Manage Cookie Preferences