Fran's Story Fran became homeless when she was 26 years old following a relationship breakdown. She had lost her job due to mental health issues and was becoming increasingly unwell and isolated. Fran was supported through the homeless pathway, was able to find independent housing and joined Aspire as a trainee in January 2017. She spent 10 months taking part in work experience at Aspire; during this time Fran was given specialist support to break down multiple barriers to employment and to improve her mental wellbeing and resilience. As Fran's confidence, skills and experience continued to grow she felt able to move into paid employment at the Westgate Centre. She then saw that Aspire was recruiting for a new team of outreach support workers to help prevent homelessness across Oxfordshire, as part of the new Trailblazer homelessness prevention project. Fran was determined to join the Trailblazer team and was over the moon when she was given the job! “I know from being homeless that so many people can get trapped in the cycle and it's really hard to get out. I'm very privileged to be part of the Trailblazer team and working on homelessness prevention because I don't want anyone to go through what I went through. Aspire is like my family. They do such great work and I feel really privileged to wear the Aspire hat!” Over the last year, Fran and our Trailblazer team have supported over 400 vulnerable people across Oxfordshire. By donating to Aspire today, you can help us protect local people from homelessness and rough sleeping, and enable them to build their skills and resilience so that they don't become at risk of homelessness again. Please select a donation amount (required) £18 could provide an employment advice session for a former rough sleeper £50 could provide a home-starter kit for someone moving into new accommodation £185 could secure a week's rental and tailored Aspire support for a person experiencing homelessness £250 could provide interview clothes for 5 people supported by Aspire Other Set up a regular payment Donate Aspire is doing more than ever before to tackle Oxfordshire's growing homeless crisis, working in partnership with a wide range of other organisations to reach those most in need. Our innovative approach to reducing homelessness includes homelessness prevention and homeless relief. Manage Cookie Preferences