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We are changing hundreds of lives, every day. Read more

No Going Back

Please join us to ensure there is no going back to a homelessness and inequality crisis for Oxfordshire as we emerge from COVID-19 Read more

Friends of Aspire

Friends of Aspire Read more

No One Left Behind

We are working to ensure that people at great risk of homelessness, unemployment and poverty are not left behind in the fight against COVID-19. Please support us and donate today, so we can be there for those who need us in the coming months. Read more

Mike's Rough Sleep 2021-22

7 nights in 7 churchyards to raise crucial funds for YoCO and Aspire Oxford - two organisations working to bring an end to youth disadvantage, poverty and homelessness. Read more

Aspire's Action Inspires Hope Appeal

Oxfordshire faces two major problems: a lack of affordable housing and a shortage of workers in the job market. Help Aspire to restore hope through action this year. Read more

From Empty to Plenty: Aspire's 2024 Appeal

Help us take action today so we can go "from empty to plenty" in Oxfordshire’s communities. Read more